Aims and Scope

Asian Journal of Economics and Banking (AJEB) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes top quality, original research in economics, business administration, and banking and finance.

AJEB welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions including original papers, reviews, case studies, policy implications, etc. Special attention is devoted to research dealing with Asian economies, particularly, Asian financial system and its banking sector. Research papers which apply new mathematical, statistical, and econometric methods are warmly welcomed.

AJEB encourages contributions from academics, scholars, student researchers and especially early career researchers.

AJEB is edited by an international board of editors and associate editors within and outside Asian countries. This ensures access to prestigious referees and thus guarantees a high intellectual standard of published research. Editors are committed to making prompt and fair publication decisions on all submissions.

There are no fees or charges associated with submission or publishing with AJEB.