Volume 8 - Number 2 | July 2024

Confidence intervals for functions of signal-to-noise ratio with application to economics and finance

Warisa Thangjai, Sa-Aat Niwitpong


Confidence intervals play a crucial role in economics and finance, providing a credible range of values for an unknown parameter along with a corresponding level of certainty. Their applications encompass economic forecasting, market research, financial forecasting, econometric analysis, policy analysis, financial reporting, investment decision-making, credit risk assessment and consumer confidence surveys. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) finds applications in economics and finance across various domains such as economic forecasting, financial modeling, market analysis and risk assessment. A high SNR indicates a robust and dependable signal, simplifying the process of making well-informed decisions. On the other hand, a low SNR indicates a weak signal that could be obscured by noise, so decision-making procedures need to take this into serious consideration. This research focuses on the development of confidence intervals for functions derived from the SNR and explores their application in the fields of economics and finance.

The construction of the confidence intervals involved the application of various methodologies. For the SNR, confidence intervals were formed using the generalized confidence interval (GCI), large sample and Bayesian approaches. The difference between SNRs was estimated through the GCI, large sample, method of variance estimates recovery (MOVER), parametric bootstrap and Bayesian approaches. Additionally, confidence intervals for the common SNR were constructed using the GCI, adjusted MOVER, computational and Bayesian approaches. The performance of these confidence intervals was assessed using coverage probability and average length, evaluated through Monte Carlo simulation.

The GCI approach demonstrated superior performance over other approaches in terms of both coverage probability and average length for the SNR and the difference between SNRs. Hence, employing the GCI approach is advised for constructing confidence intervals for these parameters. As for the common SNR, the Bayesian approach exhibited the shortest average length. Consequently, the Bayesian approach is recommended for constructing confidence intervals for the common SNR.

This research presents confidence intervals for functions of the SNR to assess SNR estimation in the fields of economics and finance.


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